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as she is a part of this world too. There should be someone who can council the poor at heart through their music, or open the blinded eye. To teach each is what rap intended. It was not created just to rock a party, and for those who say so, I would question their passion and knowledge of not only hip hop, but life in general. What does it take to succeed as a female rapper in today's industry? Lyrical skills no longer matter. In order to make it within the world of hip hop in times past you would have to have real talent. Now if a female artist puts on an outfit that promotes sexuality auto tune can make up in the areas where she lacks creativity. Lyricism no longer counts in a world that corporate America has taken over. It solely depends on how well you can dress or how much money you've made from your glorious hustling lifestyle. It seems as if women are no longer able to think consciously aloud. All black women are not uneducated, and many have decent paying jobs, college educations and live a positive lifestyle with her husband and kids. The big question is why do U.S. corporations continue to spread propaganda in hip hop/rap music throughout the face of the earth keeping urban youth subjected to an old crack




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